Chairperson Marc Couey called the monthly meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Agenda – Chairperson Marc Couey read the agenda as printed. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Supervisor Don Stanke, a second was made by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion Carried.
Roll Call – Clerk Diane Parduhn recorded the list of attendees. Present were Chairperson Marc Couey, Supervisor Don Stanke, Supervisor Joe Halverson, Clerk Diane Parduhn, Acting Treasurer Sharon Storms, and Road Supervisor Randy Olson. Electors attending the meeting included Bob Hirshey and Connie Knothe. Absent Treasurer Judy Shadewald.
Approval of January Minutes – Minutes for the January meeting were reviewed by Board Members, no corrections or additions were offered. Supervisor Don Stanke made a motion to approve the January 17th minutes, a second was made by Chairperson Marc Couey. Motion Carried. Later during the meeting, it was noted by Supervisor Joe Halverson, that the check numbers on the January report listed in the Approval of Bills section were incorrect. The clerk was instructed to correct the listing of check numbers. Upon further review it was determined that the check numbers in the January minutes were listed as #1809 -#1813, the correct check numbers should have been #1809 – #1825. Changes have been made to the January minutes to reflect the correct check numbers.
Treasurers Report – Treasurer Sharon Storms gave the treasures report. The checking account referred to as the contingency fund has been closed. The balance of $30.80 was transferred into the regular checking account. The regular checking account balance as of January 31, 2024 is $661,327.47. Note this balance does not reflect the total of February PILT Payments or the February Tax Settlement payments that have been issued.
Treasurer Sharon Storms reported that the property taxes had been collected and processed and the February settlements are completed. in time for the January settlement. Supervisor Don Stanke made a motion to approve the treasurers report as given by Sharon Storms, Temporary Treasurer, the motion was seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
Approval of Bills – Bills presented for approval at the February meeting totaling $35,719.01 were reviewed by supervisors. In addition to regular bills the billing statement also shows a total of $26,680.33 of PILT payments and a total of $621,770.24 for February Tax Settlement payments that were issued in February. Supervisor Joe Halverson made a motion to approve payment of the bills totaling $35,719.01 and for the required PILT payments and February Tax Settlements, using checks #1827 – #1830 for PILT, #1831 – #1835 for Feb Tax Settlement, and #1836 -#1851, using checks numbered from #1826 – #1851. The second was made by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
Related to the billing reports, Clerk Diane Parduhn provided the board with a copy of the checks issued list that can be printed from the WistarWin program that she uses. This sheet shows the same information and is generated after the information is entered into the program. The sheet we currently use requires double and triple entries making mistakes much easier. The clerk would like to present the WistarWin report vs our current form to the board for approval. A motion was made by Supervisor Marc Couey to use the WistarWin report for checks issued going forward as the list for the board to approve, second by Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
Roads – Randy Olson asked the board if they would be doing a spring road tour and after discussion it was decided no road tour was necessary at this time. The fall road tour determined what we would be doing this spring no Spring Road Tour is needed. Roads in good shape, a tour is not necessary. The culverts inventory is really the only thing that is required now, and Randy said he could do the inventory. There was discussion regarding who we would hire to complete the required report and other work for the culverts/bridges. Westbrook could do the other portion of the work required work for us because they are already doing it for the County, and they are local. It was noted that WTA and DOT were recommending Delmore Consulting. Randy will get the inventory so the paperwork can be sent back to DOT by the 15th. It was recommended that the road to the new town hall a road vs a driveway. Marc said the land that is listed as Orion’s land originally intended to be roads, but no roads were ever developed. Marc suggested an attorney is required but we do not know what we are required to do. One example of why this is important is because there is a homeowner who wants to sell his house, but he is unable to because part of his home sits on one of those lands that are owned by Orion. Marc will speak with the county attorney and WTA attorneys to see what we should do. This should be on the next agenda.
Fire & Ambulance reports.
Muscoda Joint District – Chairman Marc Couey reported that Richland County purchased their old ambulance, but there has not been much else going on.
Richland Rural Ambulance District – They are hoping to find more candidates for the combined position they have posted.
Richland Rural Fire District – No report.
Other Business –
- Status of Sharon Storms – Discussion around what we need to do as it relates to treasurer. Chairman Marc Couey and Supervisor Don Stanke will be attending the training with WTA in February and will try to speak with the Atty’s from WTA to get advice. Sharon agreed to stay on as a month-to-month Treasurer for the Town of Orion. Next month we will make a final decision regarding the Treasurer based on information provided by WTA. This should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
- Westby CD – Due to Judy being ill, the only person available to get information from Westby currently is Supervisor Joe Halverson. Clerk Diane Parduhn contacted Westby to find out how to get someone else on the bank account, we just need to add signatures to get my name on the bank account so that we have the current balance, as well as statements and maturity information. A motion was made by Supervisor Don Stanke to have the clerk’s name added to the Westby Account, seconded by Chair Marc Couey. Motion carried. Clerk Diane Parduhn will file paperwork with Westby.
- Resolution for sale of Township Land – Chair Marc Couey read the proposed resolution for the sale of land, indicating it is a requirement from the title company authorizing the sale of land and the Chairperson to sign all required paperwork for the sale. Motion to approve the resolution for the sale of land was made by Chair Marc Couey, seconded by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion Carried.
- Policy and Resolution regarding overpayments – Chair Marc Couey read the proposed resolution for Overpayments made to the Town of Orion which provides for notification of policy to any person who makes an overpayment of less than $5.00 and provides instruction on how they may request that payment. Motion to approve the resolution on Overpayments was made by Supervisor Joe Halverson, seconded by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion Carried.
- Ordinance to adopt the Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule – Chair Marc Couey read the proposed Ordinance which will set a system of record retention in place for the Town of Orion. This will need to be done prior to disposing of any records. Once the board has adopted this Ordinance, the clerk will need to fill out the forms and submit them to the Dept of Public Records and they will review and approve. It will take a few months for the approval, so we will have to maintain all records in the old town hall until such time as we can get approval to destroy them. This will also require working with the Historical Society to determine if they want any of the old records. Motion made by Chair Marc Couey to adopt the Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
- Resolution for Reimbursement – The resolution for reimbursement was read individually and followed by discussion. Clerk Diane Parduhn reported that we have no reimbursement policy in place and so drafted this policy which covered mileage, lodging, and meals. There was also a form developed which anyone wishing to request mileage would be required to complete and submit for reimbursement. The resolution identified the current Federal reimbursement amount of $0.67 and it was agreed that the amount should not be listed in the resolution because it is a number that changes. It was agreed that the change should be to read the reimbursement will be at the current Federal Rate when the form is submitted. There was also discussion regarding when the town would reimburse meal expenses, the rates were those of the State of Wisconsin. It was agreed that the board would not approve meal expenses unless an overnight stay was required. The clerk was asked to make these changes and bring the resolution back to the board at the next meeting.
- Furniture Solutions – The clerk provided some samples of chairs for the new town hall, spoke about desks, desk chairs, and if we should purchase for the Treasurer position at this time or wait for her to return to select her own. It was determined that the clerk should purchase 14 chairs, and a desk and chair for herself and that she could spend up to $2000 at this time for the office furniture. During this discussion, it was acknowledged that 14 chairs would likely not be enough chairs for the April meetings, Chair Marc Couey asked Supervisor Joe Halverson if he would research the possibility of borrowing chairs from the Winery especially for the April annual meeting.
- BOR Training – Chair Marc Couey will drive, Supervisor Don Stanke and Clerk Diane Parduhn will meet at the Old Town Hall and travel to the meeting together.
Schedule for next meeting – March 20, 2024, at 5:30
Public Input – Elector Bob Hirschy asked if there was a possibility of connecting Elizabeth Street to the Town Hall to provide access for those people impacted by the HWY 60 work expected to begin soon. Chair Marc Couey will review though it would depend on who owns the land between the two roads and what a cost that would be to the Town.
Adjourn – Motion made by Supervisor Joe Halverson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Chair Marc Couey. Motion Carried.
Approved by Orion Town Board on