Orion Town Board Meeting – Special Meeting
Chairperson Marc Couey called the monthly meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Roll Call – Chairperson Marc Couey, Supervisor Don Stanke, Supervisor Joe Halverson, Clerk Diane Parduhn. Absent Treasurer Judy Shadewald and Randy Olson. Calls were made to Judy both at 5:00 and 5:30 to have her join the conversation.
Approve the Agenda – Chairperson Marc Couey read the agenda as printed. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Supervisor Don Stanke, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried. After two unsuccessful attempts to reach Judy Shadewald by phone, the Planning Commission Surveys were moved to the top of the agenda.
Special Business –
- Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission – Survey – Clerk Diane Parduhn provided a copy of the surveys to each member of the board and the board reviewed and made comments for each question on the survey. The clerk will complete the submit the recorded answers to the Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Committee, Dan Hauk
- Treasurer – A call was placed to Judy Shadewald prior to starting this discussion to see if she was available to join in the conversation. She did not answer the call, nor did she call back. Clerk Diane Parduhn presented written legal opinions from the Wisconsin Towns Association including “Establishing a “Back UP” Plan, and Public Official Compensation FAQ for reference during the discussion. In addition, she shared an email from WTA responding to specific questions that were asked of her. After reviewing the documents mentioned above the board concluded that Judy Shadewald, our current treasurer, who is on medical leave will continue to receive her pay while she remains the Treasurer for the Town of Orion. It was also determined that we can hire and pay a Deputy Treasurer until such a time as Judy is able to return and perform the duties of the office. It should be noted that the position will be a Deputy Treasurer and will only be in effect until the time Judy returns or until the April election. After much discussion, it was determined that the wage for this position will be $17 per hour and the clerk will notify the person who has been selected. The clerk then announced who both Judy and her had selected after interviews with all candidates. The recommendation to the board was that the position be offered to McKenzie Couey. After questions related to other candidates and why the recommendation was made for this candidate, the board determined they would go with the recommendation made by Treasurer Judy Shadewald and Clerk Diane Parduhn. A motion was made by Supervisor Don Stanke, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried. NOTE: Chairperson Marc Couey abstained from all discussion relating to the choice of candidates, wages for candidates, and voting because of his relationship with one of the candidates.
NEXT MEETING – August 21, 2025
Motion to adjourn made by Chairperson Marc Couey, seconded by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion carried.
Approved by Orion Town Board on August 21, 2024