Orion Town Board Meeting
Chairperson Marc Couey called the monthly meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Roll Call – Chairperson Marc Couey, Supervisor Don Stanke, Supervisor Joe Halverson, Clerk Diane Parduhn, and Randy Olson. Treasurer Judy Shadewald attended via phone. Electors present included Bob Ball and Michael Marshall.
Approve the Agenda – Chairperson Marc Couey read the agenda as printed. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Supervisor Joe Halverson, seconded by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion carried.
Approval of June Minutes – Chairperson Marc Couey asked if there were any changes or additions to the minutes for the June 2024 meeting. Hearing none, a motion made by Chairperson Marc Couey to approve the minutes of the June 2024 meeting, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report – Reported by Clerk Diane Parduhn, as of June 31, 2024, the balance in the Town of Orion Checking account was $212,212.01 per the bank statement. A total of $7,667.43 in checks issued were outstanding as of June 30, 2024, making the actual balance in the Town of Orion Checking account $204,544.58. CD remains at 44360.85, will renew on August 24, 2024.
- Current CD rates were reported for Peoples Community Bank, WCCU, and Community First Bank. All will update after the first of the month. The clerk will confirm new rates so board can determine if we leave the CD in WCCU or move it.
- State of WI – Significant Correction Process. A letter indicating there was a significant change in the land value in Orion due to miscalculation when anticipating what the property bills would be following the re-eval. The re-evaluation was late in the year so the correction could not be made until after the BOR was completed, so that was late in the year. Chairperson Marc Couey and Clerk Diane Parduhn spoke with DOR to make sure it was not something we had to respond to. We do know our funds will be reduced, but not by how much.
- Recommendation for Treasurer was made by Clerk Diane, based on Judy’s recommendation and the interviews held. The discussion was tabled while the clerk does more research on what we can pay and how it affects the town budget. Meeting will be scheduled for later.
Clerks Report – Clerk Diane Parduhn reported:
- Expense and Revenues report was shared with board. Short discussion regarding how to read the document, where we are on all budget items, and what it can do for us in November when we are setting the next year’s budget.
- There will be a Poll Workers training session for the August 13th election on July 18th in the Town Hall.
- Web site is in the works, a meeting is scheduled to review needs and wants.
- Fire extinguishers, the clerk reported on the contacts she had found. Supervisor Don Stanke will pick up fire extinguishers and Chairperson Marc Couey will install them and contact the Fire Marshall.
Approve Bills – Chairperson Marc Couey read the bills presented for approval at the July meeting totaling $77, 497.15 and the list was reviewed by supervisors. Chairperson Marc Couey made a motion to approve the payment of the bills totaling $77,497.15 using checks #1907 – #1916. The second was made by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried.
Michael Marshall final payment – Chairperson Marc Couey Suggested that we move Michael Marshall to the top of the list so that he could finish his business with the board early. All present agreed and the topic of final payment to Mike Marshal for the New Town Hall was discussed. Mr. Marshall had submitted a statement for his final payment of $11,758.24 which was 1,758.24 over the agreed upon final payment. After reviewing the bill with Mr. Marshall, the board approved paying the bill in full. Mr. Marshall was issued a check at the meeting.
Roads Report – Randy reported the signage board would be placed after the meeting, he wanted clarification regarding where it should be placed. There was a discussion regarding what has been spent on roads thus far, specifically what we have spent at Scotts for seal coating.
Fire Districts –
- Muscoda – Marc Couey reported on number of calls and EMS staff. No calls to Orion’s meeting is the following night.
- Richland Rural – Joe Halverson had no report as he missed the meeting.
- Richland Ambulance – Don Stanke reported the billing issues with the ambulance remain, also the building needs a new roof.
Other Business –
- Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission – Survey – Motion made by Chairperson Marc Couey to table this discussion until the next meeting to be scheduled, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion Carried. The topic will be placed on July 31st agenda.
- Map of Hwy 60 and culvert/tube change – Chairman Marc Couey explained the location of culverts and the adjustments the county wants to change prior to the Hwy 60 project begins. Motion by Supervisor Joe Halverson to approve the adjustments of the culverts as proposed, second by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion carried.
- Cleaning Person for Town Hall – We have one interested party who will clean once a month for a fee of $100. She met with the clerk to discuss the jobs. The clerk will draft a list of tasks expected to be completed. Motion made by Supervisor Don Stanke to hire the person, Terri Jo Redman to clean the town hall, seconded by Supervisor Joe Halverson. Motion carried. Note: Chairperson Marc Couey abstained from voting because of relationship with the person.
- Bridge Inspection Report – A copy of the letter from Westbrook Associated Engineers was provided to the board members. The letter indicated the bridges at Wallace Lane over Ash Creek, Twin Bluff over BR Pine River, and Sawmill Rd over Pine River had no recommendations at this time. The bridge at Meadowwood Lane over Ash Creek had these recommendations, “Grade north approach to the bridge.” The complete reports are filed under Bridge Reports in regular docs.
NEXT MEETING – August 21, 2025
Motion to adjourn made by Supervisor Joe Halverson, seconded by Supervisor Don Stanke. Motion carried.
Approved by Orion Town Board on